National 15 to finish
15 to Finish Video
Enid Checklist (5.45 MB)
Stillwater Checklist (11.24 MB)
Tonkawa Checklist (4.19 MB)
Future Students

Congratulations! You’re about to take your first steps to becoming an official Northern student. Your future at Northern Oklahoma College begins with our application. We are very excited that you have decided to join the NOC family.
For assistance on application call:
- Tonkawa Admissions 580.628.6220
- Enid Admissions 580.548.2275
- Stillwater Admissions 580.628.6910
To schedule a campus tour call:
- Blair Turney, High School and College Relations Coordinator – Tonkawa 580.628.6668
- Terri Sunderland, High School and College Relations Coordinator – Enid 580.548.2353
- Diana Watkins, VP for NOC Stillwater – Stillwater 580.628.6905
Tonkawa Campus
P.O. Box 310
Tonkawa, OK 74653
Tonkawa Cost Calculator
Enid Campus
P.O. Box 2300
Enid, OK 73702
Enid Cost Calculator
Stillwater Campus
P.O. Box 1869
Stillwater, OK 74076
Stillwater Cost Calculator