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 “Building a Better NOC” program announced

Hon. Phillip Corley and Jason Turnbow

Cutline:  New NOC Regent Jason Turnbow (right) was sworn in by the Hon. Phillip Corley, District Judge for Payne and Noble Counties on Wednesday in Stillwater.  (photo provided)

“Building a Better NOC” program announced

 “Building a Better NOC,” a new program at Northern Oklahoma College was presented by President Dr. Clark Harris at the Board of Regents meeting Wednesday in Stillwater.

The program will include many BLDG (Brainstorm, Listen, Discuss & Grow) Workshops that are designed to provide a positive, solutions-based approach for employees, students, and the community to share issues and suggested solutions to improve many different areas of the college.  Harris said, “We want to start the conversations with questions, not answers.”

A Dec. 1 meeting with students and a Dec. 2 meeting with faculty and staff are planned to begin these conversations.  These first hour-long solutions-based workshops will focus on making the residence halls more appealing, fun and livable.

The BLDG Workshops will be held on a regular basis throughout the spring semester covering topics are all connected to the college strategic goals of 1) Student Quality of Life, 2) Student Recruitment/Retention/Graduation, 3) Employee Quality of Life, and 4) Increased Revenue Streams.

The NOC Board of Regents also added a member as Jason Turnbow of Enid replaces Stan Brownlee, also from Enid.

Turnbow, an officer of Security National Bank in Enid, was sworn in prior to the Wednesday Board of Regents’ meeting by the Hon. Phillip Corley, District Judge for Payne and Noble Counties.

Wednesday’s meeting was also the final meeting for Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Pam Stinson.  Stinson accepted a Provost Position in Academic Affairs for OSU-OKC.

“Dr. Stinson is beloved by all at NOC. We appreciate all she has done for NOC and we wish her well in her new job in Oklahoma City,” said NOC President Dr. Clark Harris.

Regents also approved the FY2021 Internal Audit presented by Kirk Vanderslice of Hinkle and Co., PC and the FY2021 External Audit presented by Dan Bledsoe of Finley & Cook, PLLC. Bledsoe reported the external audit report was an unmodified opinion on compliance with no findings, material weaknesses or significant deficiencies identified. He complimented Vice President for Financial Affairs Anita Simpson and her team on their due diligence and cooperation throughout the audit process.

In administrator updates, Vice President for Community Relations & Development Sheri Snyder announced the Greater Gift Drive campaign is underway.  She said that over 15,000 letters will be mailed to donors and potential donors in November.

NOC Enid Vice President Jeremy Hise told regents that the Enid Higher Education Council fundraising campaign for 2021-2024 is nearing completion, raising approximately $300,000.00, for the four-year period to provide scholarships for students within 50 miles of Enid that attend NOC Enid and Northwestern Oklahoma State University-Enid.

The regents also approved the 2022-23 Academic Calendar.  The fall semester will begin Aug. 15, 2022 and the spring semester will begin Jan. 9, 2023.

Also speaking at the Program Showcase were Dr. Don Stinson who spoke on the Chikaskia Literary Festival and Wade Watkins who presented a program on NOC Global Education.

The next regents meeting is Wednesday, Dec. 15 in the Large Conference Room in the Vineyard Library/Administration Building at 1 p.m. at NOC Tonkawa.