
Printing Services
Printing Services is located in the Creative Arts building at NOC Tonkawa.
The Printing Services Department provides the College’s community of learners with the highest standard of excellence in printing, copying, bulk mailing, design, photography, bindery services and customer service while maintaining the lowest possible cost in an innovative, dependable, and professional manner. This is done through informed and interactive communication between the Printing Services staff and their customers to support and promote the mission, vision, and values of Northern Oklahoma College and its stakeholders.
All official college publications and materials must comply with the institution’s graphic standards guide to present a unified and professional image of the College. All copying jobs of more than 100 sheets and all college printed materials must be procured from the College Print Shop. A detailed list of services available can be found at
All printing needs will be given priority in the order in which they are received in the office, date sensitivity and special circumstances. Once completed, copying and printed projects will be wrapped and sent out for delivery by the College Courier. Two weeks’ lead-time is necessary for all printed jobs and one week- for copy jobs.
Any office or department requesting printed pamphlets, brochures, or other material intended for distribution will submit all copy and markup or dummy format to the Vice President for Development and Community Relations. All text must be submitted electronically in a Word, InDesign or Photoshop file. All photos and artwork utilized in the file must be provided with the file. Files may be submitted on flash/USB drives or sent via email. All printed items except copying will require the signature or email approval of the requester and their VP prior to printing. A proof copy will be provided prior to printing the full request. The requestor must sign off on the printing and design. Changes made during or after printing will be billed to department budgets for the cost of materials used.
Two forms may be used for various printing and copying needs. A copy request form will be used for all copying; a printing authorization form will be used for all other printing jobs. All requests must be approved by the appropriate department head and the Vice President for Development and Community Relations. Print and copy forms can be filled out an submitted online at
Letterhead and Envelopes
All stationery provides a consistent look using the official College colors and must be procured from the College Print Shop. Departments or individuals needing letterhead and/or envelopes are to provide the Printing Services Department with a request form. Institutional letterhead and envelopes may not be utilized for personal use.
Digital files of the department letterhead are available upon request with the approval from the Office of Development and Community Relations. Digital letterhead is designed as a supplement to the official NOC stationery that is printed in the Printing Services Department and should ONLY be used for electronic purposes when the printed stationery is not viable. Personalized note cards, letterhead, or envelopes will not be printed by the Printing Services staff.
Acronyms, such as NOC, are permitted only after the complete name appears. They should never appear with periods following the letters “N.O.C.”. When used in conjunction with the locations, the preferred use is the letters “NOC”, no hyphen and the location name – as “NOC Enid”.
Copying Services
Copy request forms must be submitted with all copy jobs on the appropriate NOC location form or by email at For regular classroom materials for Tonkawa, allow three working days’ lead-time. For Enid and Stillwater allow four working days, which includes courier time. Study guides and/or syllabi sold through the Bookstores must be submitted no later than eight weeks before the delivery date. Copy request for weekend seminars should allow one work week. Courier service to Enid and Stillwater is available. An extra day is required to facilitate delivery.
Employees are responsible for obtaining publisher or copyright permission prior to submitting a job to the Printing Services Department. The Director of Library Services will provide training to employees who need updates on copyright laws.
Camera-ready materials submitted directly to the Print Shop by departments are subject to rejection if they do not meet accepted standards of appearance and content.
The copying of tests will be handled in a secure environment as possible. Tests may be hand delivered, couriered or e-mailed into the office. Students may not copy and/or deliver tests. Tests will be packaged and secured prior to delivery. All concerns about test security, while in the print shop, should be directed to the Director of Printing Services for further review of the situation.
Bulk Mail Services
Bulk mail services is an available option to all NOC departments. To qualify as bulk mail the mailing must meet the following criteria: minimum of 200 recipients, non-personalized mail piece, domestic mail, standard letter/postcard. Bulk mail must be indicated when submitting a print authorization form. Bulk mailings must be planned early to allow time to arrive before the deadline of the event/promotion happens. Any questions about bulk mail services, contact the Development and Community Services Office or Printing Services.
Photographs used should be carefully reviewed for the following criteria: The photo represents the purpose of the publication, the integrity of the College and does not infringe on any copyright or trademark laws; or permission has been granted by the originator. All photos should be no less than 300 dpi. File formats suggested are: jpg, tif and eps. Photography services may be requested by forms submitted electronically on the website or by calling the NOC photographer.
Off-Campus Printing
Printing orders too large for the Printing Services Department to handle will be offered at bid to off-campus printers by the Director of Printing Services and must be approved by the Vice President for Development and Community Relations. The Director of Printing Services will secure bids, set deadlines, and make arrangements for delivery and return to the print shop. Items sent off-campus will be billed to the Printing Services Department and, in turn, billed back to the department at the end of the month.
State and Federal Law
Publications such as booklets, newsletters, magazines, catalogues and pamphlets, which bear the College name and are produced for external audiences, must carry the following two disclaimers:
1. Notice of compliance
2. Notice of printing cost
Community Service Jobs
Requests for printing services in support of externally-funded projects must be approved by the Vice President for Development and Community Relations. Charges will be determined so as to recover cost of the services, which must be paid by the community service organization. Printing services that fall into this category will be accomplished on a time available basis and invoices will be mailed.
Jobs for an outside/professional organization may be submitted for approval as a Community Service job if the event or project meets the following criteria:
- The organization or event has a direct tie to our institution, programs or employees.
- The College has some level of involvement in the event.
Printing Services reserves the right to refuse any printing/copying item that violates copyright laws, that does not meet quality control measures, that has not been approved by department chairs, that does not comply with the institutional graphic standard guide or that contains erroneous information that may be seen by the public. Printing Services will forward any item to the Vice President for Development and Community Relations if it is inappropriate until the person or department is contacted and the item in question is discussed. The Vice President for Development and Community Relations will determine if the item will be printed or returned to the department or individual. Printing Services does not police copyright laws or censor publications, but the staff will not be held accountable for information that does not meet the established standards.