Enid Pictures

Cherokee Strip Heritage Center

Downtown Enid

Northern Hills Golf Course

Expo Center

Government Springs

Leonardo’s Castle

Enid Event Center
The Enid campus was established in 1999 in conjunction with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) and the City of Enid. This campus has grown in offering multiple two-year liberal arts degree programs to some 1,000 students each semester. Among the more popular degrees offered are Nursing, Business Administration, Education, Social Science, and Pre-Medicine.
The College also has numerous cooperative degree programs in medical and electronic areas with Autry Technology Center the local career technology center. Northern Oklahoma College brings a complete college experience to Enid with varsity athletics, dorms, cultural events and more. The Enid campus continues to expand its faculty, curriculum, and clubs and activities to meet the needs of people in northwest Oklahoma.
Mission Statement:
Northern Oklahoma College, the State’s first public community college is a multi-campus, land-grant institution that provides high quality, accessible, and affordable educational opportunities and services which create life-changing experiences and develop students as effective learners and leaders within their communities in a connected, ever-changing world.
Northern Oklahoma College will be recognized as a model institution and leader in academic quality and cultural enrichment, promoting student success, collaborative learning, creative and forward thinking, and community responsiveness.
Core Values
- Personalized Education:
We believe in providing individualized services that lead our students to achieving their academic goals in a welcoming and safe environment.
We believe in providing support to students in and out of the classroom so that they receive a full college experience with diverse opportunities.
- Community and Civic Engagement:
We believe that educated citizens are necessary for a healthy, democratic society, and that free and open expression and an appreciation for diversity are cornerstones of higher education.
We believe in economic and environmental sustainability and the importance of enriching the intellectual, artistic, economic, and social resources of our communities.
- Continuous Improvement:
We believe in the inherent value of intellectual pursuit for both personal and professional growth, as well as in the need to prepare students for 21st century professions.
We believe that a knowledge-centered institution is vital to a knowledge-based economy, and we measure our success against national models and standards of excellence.
Enid, OK:
Enid is the economic, social, medical, political, and educational hub of Northwest Oklahoma. Not only is it the largest retail trade center in the area, serving a customer base of more than 200,000 people throughout Northwest Oklahoma and Southwest Kansas, but its diversified economy continues to provide jobs for the people of the area, and opportunity for future growth.
Oil and agriculture have always been major components of Enid’s economy. As the home of both Farmland and Johnston Grain Company, Enid has the third largest grain storage capacity in the world. Garfield County is blessed with fertile land that has long produced outstanding wheat crops, and has contributed to the growth of the expanding cattle industry. Though oil production has seen its peaks and valleys, it is still an industry rich with tradition and potential. Natural gas reserves are also an important staple in Enid’s economy, and one that will continue to grow as natural gas becomes recognized for its clean and efficient use.
Far from having a one-dimensional economy, Enid has diversified its industrial base and is the home of both nationally recognized corporations as well as home-grown industries. Food processing, metal fabricating, machine shop industries, and equipment can be found in Enid. Another major staple of the economy is Vance Air Force Base, which recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. Vance is an Undergraduate Pilot Training Base that trains the best pilots in the world . . . those of the United States Air Force. The base is nationally renowned for its efficiency in performing its mission, its cost-effectiveness, and its positive relationship with the community. Through all of the upheavals in the military, Vance Air Force Base has continued its undying dedication to its mission and its excellence in performing it.
Retail trade, services, and health care also play a major role in Enid’s economy. Enid has a variety of shopping areas, including a mall, various strip centers, and the unique downtown shopping district, which the charm of an old-fashioned square has highlighted. Enid’s medical community is one of the most outstanding in the state, with three ultramodern hospitals and a private psychiatric facility. Enid is also the home of Northern Oklahoma Resource Center, a facility for the developmentally disabled, and has many other services for young and old alike.
Enid has unique advantages for retired individuals as well, not the least of which is access to quality health care, shopping, and services. Affordable housing and retirement villages also offer advantages to individuals wishing to retire. However, there are also distinct advantages for young people and families as well.
The Greater Enid Area offers superb access to both public and private common education, Northern Oklahoma College and Northwestern Oklahoma State University. Autry Vo-Tech offers skills training for both high school and post high school students and has programs in a variety of areas. The school boasts a comprehensive aircraft maintenance training program that is highly successful in training aircraft mechanics, and the school also offers industry training in a variety of areas.
From the standpoint of history, Enid has much to offer both the traveler and the resident. The Cherokee Strip Museum offers unique insight into the history of the area; the Railroad Museum of Oklahoma is a must-see for railroad buffs and historians; George’s Auto Museum features outstandingly refurbished relics of motor history; Midgley Museum offers both unique architecture and a collection of interesting artifacts, and Bartunek’s Winery offer, wines from grapes grown in Oklahoma, as well as a gift shop of other “Made in Oklahoma” items. The recently restored Government Springs Park features a heritage village, and is adjacent to the Cherokee Strip Museum. Leonardo’s Discovery Warehouse has exhibits in the arts and sciences, with hands-on programs for both children and adults.
The Enid area is also flush with recreational opportunities including Meadowlake Park, where you can take a ride on the train, play tennis, picnic, or relax by the lake. Adjacent to the park is Meadowlake Golf Course, a challenging 18-hole course that features broad fairways and challenging greens. The University Lake Golf Course is a challenging nine hole course, and Oakwood Country Club features a championship-style 18-hole course. For exercise and fitness, the YMCA is a beehive of activity, featuring the latest exercise equipment and classes, youth programs and much more. Enid also has an excellent YWCA with outstanding women’s and youth programs. Sun-N-Fun Water Park offers an alternative to our fine municipal swimming facilities.
Another important part of Enid’s quality of life are the cultural opportunities available. The Enid-Phillips Symphony is the oldest orchestra in Oklahoma, and performs several concerts during the year. The Gaslight Theater seems always to have an action-packed stage production to thrill area audiences.
The Cherokee Strip Conference Center was built to promote Enid as a convention site, and this effort has paid off often over as convention-goers come from across the state and nation to use this state-of-the-art facility. The Downtown renovations have created an outstanding backdrop for the conference center and one that pleases visitors and residents alike. Enid is a safe and economic place to live, work, and raise a family. The air is clean, the lifestyle refreshing. There are all the amenities of a large city, yet there is still the friendly atmosphere of a small town. Enid truly is “The Bright Star of the Great Plains,” and it is getting brighter by the day. So, follow the shining star to the place where the world begins . . . Enid, Oklahoma.
To read more on the history of the name “Enid” please visit the City of Enid web site where the above material (and more) can be found.