Welcome home to NOC!
Residence Life is delighted that you will be making your home with us this year. Northern is committed to creating an environment conducive to learning, leadership development and campus involvement. Our Student Affairs Staff works daily to provide our community members with a safe and comfortable living and learning environment that is conducive to academic success.
The staff in Residence Life are committed to creating a residential community that support’s NOC’s mission and vision. Living on campus in one of our Residence Halls will connect you to the vibrant life of the College. The close-knit, supportive residence hall community offers students a place to live and work that distinctly enhances the college experience by putting students at the center of everything: classes and labs, the library, recreational facilities, community service opportunities, student activities, and more.
Studies have found that students living on campus perform better academically. Professors and mentors are only a stone’s throw away if you have questions or need assistance, and you have easier access to the resources you need to make you time at NOC successful.
Residence Halls are equipped with internet access, cable television, local telephone access, laundry facilities, convenient parking, recreation lounges, and much more.
Please review the attachments and resources on the Residence Life website for a better understanding of living and learning!