Dates and Deadlines
To ensure maximum consideration, it is imperative that students are knowledgeable of the specific deadlines associated with all scholarships awarded. Students should expect scholarship awards between October and April. Students selected to receive an award will be notified by award letter to their permanent address.

Northern Oklahoma College
Application Opens

Appeal Date
Scholarship appeal deadline for spring.

Spring Semester Scholarship Application Deadline

Presidential Leadership Scholarships
the NOC/OSU Gateway Ambassador Scholarships
and/or the State Regents Academic Scholarship
Application Priority Deadline

Freshman Scholarships
Priority deadline for incoming Freshman Scholarships.
Scholarships awarded to qualified applicants
on a first come, first serve basis.

Fall Semester Scholarship Application Deadline

Financial Aid
Best consideration date for financial aid.*

General Scholarships and Foundation Scholarships
Awarded Early April

Sophomore Scholarships
Priority Deadline

Scholarship Response

Appeal Date
Scholarship appeal deadline for fall.
** The FAFSA and required documentation for title IV eligibility are the only forms a student is required to complete to be considered for student assistance. For additional information, visit the Office of Financial Aid.