More Information:
Office of Student Activities
Gantz Student Union
Northern Oklahoma College
100 South University Avenue
P.O. Box 2300
Enid, Oklahoma 73702-2300

Northern Oklahoma College understands the importance of involvement and encourages students to find opportunities to meet and interact with each other in a variety of ways.
Research on the benefits of student organization membership suggests that actively involved students perform better academically, are much more satisfied with their college experience, and are more likely to graduate. Student organizations provide a medium for personal growth, leadership development, community service, academic discourse, and lasting friendships.
The Office of Student Affairs is dedicated to providing students with the opportunity to build community, gain interpersonal and leadership skills, and contribute to the campus community and beyond.
NOC welcomes students to organize new groups each semester. To find out how to establish a new student club or organization on campus, contact the Office of Student Activities in the Gantz Student Union today!
(General Student Organizations)
Open to all students desiring to develop a strong sense of civic pride and community, the Campus Civitan Club strives to provide members with a broader knowledge of public affairs and community needs and to prepare them for intelligent leadership and cooperation in solving civic and community problems. The mission of Civitan International is to build good citizenship by providing a volunteer organization of clubs dedicated to serving individual and community needs. The NOC Enid Club selects projects to meet the particular needs of the community each academic year.
Campus Advisor: Jackie Johnson, Faculty
The Northern Community Concert Band proudly serves as Enid, Oklahoma’s very own community orchestra. The musicans perform throughout the year at the beautiful Eugene S. Briggs Auditorium Hall. Members rehearse weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. The conductor of the Band is Debbie Lambert. Concerts are scheduled throughout the year and are often headlined by guest artists or ensembles. Scholarships are available each semester for outstanding NOC Student musicians!
Campus Advisor: Debbie Lambert, Director
The Criminal Justice Club seeks to broaden the student’s understanding and familiarity with the three major components of the criminal justice system, (police, courts, and corrections) by organizng and conducting programs and activities for its members. The Club meetings are held monthly and membership is open to all NOC students who are in good academic standing.
The Flight Crew is NOC Enid’s student organization that promotes spirit throughout the college. Members organize activities in support of NOC Athletics by attending games throughout the academic year. The Crew works togehter with the cheerleaders and the Pep Band to cheer and encourage Jet’s Sports Teams at home and away games. All loyal NOC students are strongly encouraged to join!
Campus Advisor: Kathi Shamburg, Faculty
The Literature Club promotes the appreciation of literature. Members discuss literature, share books, and view films. Anyone interested in literature is eligible for membership.
This association strives to establish and promote a positive and welcoming environment for all cultures by coordinating planned activities and improving communications, mentoring, and ultimately creating a supportive atmosphere.
Campus Advisor: Kristi Orr, Faculty
The Association of Non-Traditional Students (ANTS) mission is to servie as a support group to address issues specific to Non-Traditional students at NOC. The organization plans activities and events that encourage fellowship among non-traditional students, and works with the NOC administration to improve the success rates of Non-Traditional Students.
Campus Advisor: Dr. Paul Bowers, Faculty
The purposes of the Psychology Club are to serve students interested in the field of psychology and to enhance a person’s sociological imagination through charities and activities benefiting the community. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in psychology.
The Red Silver Review is the NOC Enid Campus Newspaper. Published throughout the academic year, the student staff works to serve the wide interests and information needs of a diverse NOC student body. The paper trains and develops writers, editors, photographers and design artists in the process of producing a publication that has gained praise from throughout the college community. If you have an innate curiosity in what goes on around you and a love for words, pictures or computer graphics, you are encouraged to join the Red Silver!
The NOC Jet’s Spirit Band offers students the excitemetn of participating in athletic events during the Men’s and Women’s Basketball Seasons. Student with expertise in musical instruments are encouraged to join and perform. Spirt Band Scholarships are available for many positions in the musical group.
Campus Advisor: Debbie Lambert, Director
The Student Education Association (SEA) exists to foster student leadership through pre-professional opportunities and peer mentoring, supplement formal teacher-education training, and provide networking opportunities for students at NOC Enid.
The Student Government Association (SGA) of NOC Enid encompasses all students currently enrolled at the College. The SGA provides a varity of programs and activities for students. In addition, the SGA makes recommendations and contributes opinions and information to the college and administration regarding student concerns. Elections are held each year for Executive Officers Student Representatives.
Campus Advisor: Ron Shidemantle, Dean of Students
The Single Parents Association is designed to organize support, influence personal and educational growth, and promote social interaction with others. Members must be single parents, or persons with parenting concerns. Children of single parents are also encouraged to join.
All students preparing to become professional nurses and those enrolled in the Northern Oklahoma College nursing program, as well as those preparing to enter the nursing field, are eligible for membership. The purpose of this pre-professional, nonprofit student organization is to aid in the preparation of student nurses for the assumption of professional responsibilities.
Campus Advisor: April Heitfeld, Faculty
(National Honorary Organizations)
Kappa Beta Delta is the international honor society for the ACBSP Accredited Business Programs. The purposes of the society are to recognize scholarship and accomplishment among associate degree seeking students in the area of business. KBD serves to encourage and promote personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service.
The Beta Lambda Chapter recognizes top scholars each semester on campus.
Campus Advisor: Todd Ging, Faculty
Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society for two-year colleges. To be eligible for active membership, a student must have completed fifteen hours of core classes with a grade-point average of not less than 3.50. The Society works to provide opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for the exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for the stimulation of interest in continuing acadeic excellence.
Campus Advisor: Starla Reed, Faculty
(Political Organizations)
The College Democrats organization strives to encourage an interest among the students in the Democratic Party and promote an understanding of the party’s history and principles. It presents aims for which the party is striving and helps secure the election of the party nominees.
The College Republicans strive to bring young people into the Republican Party and to provide an opportunity for them to find political expression and recognition. The organization’s aims are to train young people to become effective political workers and to encourage participation in the election of the Republican Party nominees. College Republicans also collect, analyze, discuss, and disseminate information concerning political affairs.
Campus Advisor: Fritz Osell, Faculty
(Faith Based Student Organizations)
Off-campus religious organizations work in close proximity and connection to the college to provide avenues for religious service, spiritual growth, and education. They offer opportunities for religious counseling and fellowship among students.
The Baptist Student Ministries is a distinctive denominational ministry. Its function is to remind each student of his/her responsibility to Christ, the church, and the individual’s obligation as a Christian citizen of the world. It provides inspiration, information, and fellowship, which is the spiritual climate essential for Christian growth while in college.
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) challenges coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, and junior high and youth levels to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ. The Enid Campus Chapter focuses on service the local community by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ.