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FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I apply to the nursing program?

First apply to the college, and then apply to the nursing program. The nursing application must be submitted online. Select either application for current LPNs or Traditional Students (for all others).

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis with priority consideration for those submitted by March 31 for fall semester (August start) and October 1 for spring semester (January start).

2. Is the HESI Admission Assessment (HESI A2) within 3 years required if I have a degree or have been out of high school for a few years?

Yes, all applicants must take the HESI A2 through an NOC testing center within the past 3 years. The HESI A2 may be taken twice each year with at least 3 months between attempts.

3. Do I need to complete all General Education courses before I apply to the nursing program?

You may apply at any time, however traditional students must take:

  • Biology for Majors
  • Intro to Nursing or Transition to Registered Nursing (for LPNs only)
  • English Comp I

These courses must be taken prior to starting the nursing program.

LPNs must have core courses completed within the last 5 years unless part of an earned degree.

4. How long does it take to complete the nursing program?

The nursing program is a 2-year program. Since the work load is intense, students may choose to take some college courses before entering the nursing program extending over the 2 years.

5. If I have a college degree, can I take the program in less than 2 years?

No, since the nursing courses are sequential, the minimum time to complete the program is 2 years.

6. If I have an LPN license, can I take the program in less than 2 years?

Yes, LPNs who qualify for Advanced Standing can complete the program in 2 or 3 semesters. More information can be found on the Application for Current LPNs.

7. Is transportation provided to the clinical/practicum sites?

Students must provide their own transportation; some even form car pools.

8. Are hospital experiences included in the program?

Yes, the nursing curriculum consists of courses in both nursing theory and nursing practicum. Clinical experiences are provided at agencies located primarily in Ponca City, Stillwater, and Enid. Other health care facilities provide specific clinical experiences.

A new opportunity is available for students seeking to complete their clinical rotations with St. Francis Health System in Tulsa, OK. This unique cohort offers dedicated clinical faculty and the chance to gain hands-on experience exclusively at St. Francis Health System locations.

Additionally, students may qualify for a paid clinical intership in the last semester of the program.

All student learning activities are planned, supervised, and evaluated by Northern nursing faculty and are chosen to provide experiences with clients of all age groups in varying degrees of wellness. Because of the limited availability of clinical experiences in mental health and pediatrics, students will travel to the Oklahoma City area.

9. What kind of job can I get after I graduate?

Once the RN license is obtained after successfully passing the NCLEX-RN exam, graduates are prepared to obtain an entry level RN staff position. These positions provide direct client care to all individuals across the lifespan. In fact, 6 months after graduation over 90% of the graduates have jobs in the following areas: medical, surgical, obstetrical, pediatric, ICU, ER, geriatrics, or psychiatric nursing.

10. Is financial aid available?

Yes, there are financial aid options available for qualified students. Scholarships are also available for nursing students. See Financial Aid & Scholarships for more information.